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With growing technology and digital services, chatbots have gained prominence not just in organizations but also in the minds of  people. Whether it’s Hollywood or the real world, chatbots have found their way into diverse domains and industry verticals. We carry digital assistants at the tap of a button or call which you can apply with different algorithms and data to fulfill your task.  

The relationship of humans with chatbots and artificial intelligence has been growing at a tremendous rate.  Artificial Intelligence is used in various disciplines and one of them is Hollywood, with advancements in technology and science, chatbots and AI have been able to grow in different sections of the world. 


We might have seen many Hollywood movies and documentaries where different Artificial intelligence based robots play a vital role in the plot’s progress. The way chatbots are projected for people all around the globe has established a huge fan base for this revolutionary technology. There are some eminent roles where AI has been shown in a  negative light having been attributed as a destructive force for society. Whereas in real life,  it helps countless businesses in automating their operations and providing impeccable customer experience.

There are some eminent AI movie characters who while playing an robotic role has lead to a change of reasoning and general thinking of people. Some of them are:

  1. JARVIS from Iron Man
  2. Marvin, the paranoid android from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy.
  3. Samantha from Her
  4. Quorra from Tron legacy
  5. TARS from Interstellar
  6. BB- 8 from Star wars from the force awakens

The above mentioned are some of the recent and major movies in which there is a vital role of artificial intelligence in cultural activities and advancing consciousness, with these different role plays we have learned the importance of science and technology. The new sci-fi series and thrillers have made waves to different artificial intelligence and chatbots characters with a different story outline. 

When it comes to presenting a movie to so many people by bringing a character to digital life is all sort of fun and exciting. There are many applications like Sony Pictures that are creating AI-driven versions of different movies and TV shows. It has openly changed and influenced the way we engage in our day-to-day life and activities. By designing and evaluating advanced applications termed as “Artificial Agents” one can perform as well as automate various tasks which were left undone for a long time. 


Apart from Hollywood and movies, chatbots and AI have helped  various other sectors in real life too like education, e-commerce, health and wellness, and business. One can see their vital roles in these markets and industries as well. Being user-friendly devices they have gained a new demand and interaction among the customers and clients. Some of the examples are:

  • The static content is used by people for the search of frequently asked questions and answers.
  • Assistant communication is when a person navigates through the webpage.
  • Electronic virtual assistants, AI-based chatbots used for banking systems.
  • Use of intelligence in stock trading systems and research.
  • Usage of automation and robots for agriculture predictions and how they can help farmers to protect their crops from unwanted danger.
  • Clinical decision support systems which are helping patients to get physical warnings and disclaimers use artificial intelligence appliances.
  • Social media platforms like Facebook use AI for face verification and tagging friends in our day-to-day life and activities. 
  • AI is also used in creating different music sets and frameworks that echo classical music.

Chatbots also called “Conversational Agents’ ‘ with the introduction of Artificial intelligence have become the need of this growing economy and dynamic business environment. The degree of trust and confidence they have gained in today’s market is commendable. It has led us to believe that these features are human-like and have the efficiency to manage human interactions and their linguistic nuances.

They have been able to give the user a friendly competition and have been able to assist through the day. With the evolution of machine learning and sentiment analysis, chatbots have gained the ability to portray emotions to their customers and clients, which in return has helped them gain trust and respect from their target audience. 


The working of these advanced technologies is a bit more about Natural Language Processing or NLP which is situated at the center of the chatbot. It forms the basis recognition system, which is eventually used for virtual assistance and cooperation. Once they process the language via text sent by a user, they respond according to the interpretation and translation which are done by complex algorithms. They also use algorithms and data with the help of which they are so likely to be present before their customers. 

They have become one of the most responsive and natural resources to provide information and help people get the right knowledge about companies’ products and services. Thus, whether it’s entertainment or real-life needs in various industry verticals, the chatbot market has gained  importance primarily due to the advancement of science and technology.


Whizard WhatsApp API is a WhatsApp Business API that empowers businesses with a fast, customizable and safe method to interact with customers. Our chatbot solutions cater to the diverse needs of clients thereby delivering seamless chatbot integration to revolutionize business-customer interaction. 

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