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instagram DM automation


If you are a business owner with a professional account on Instagram, you probably know how difficult it is to tend to customer enquiries on the platform. Instagram users send more than 400 million messages to other businesses every single day. They ask numerous questions over chat about the products and services of a business, their delivery status, wanting to know more about collaboration opportunities and more. Considering that the platform is active 24 hours a day, most businesses reply to such queries for only a few hours in a day. Moreover, filtering out the more relevant or urgent messages can pose a huge challenge and can also cost the company in acquiring a potential sale.

Instagram, being one of the most widely used social media platforms worldwide, has a young and dynamic followership all across the globe. It is also a popular buyer’s platform as the platform’s algorithm, ads and explore page helps people buy their favourite products and services in an instant. The fast nature of Instagram also lets your competitors get to such customers faster. This not only decreases the chances of you making a sale but gives customers more alternatives to turn to in such a competitive market. 

This is where Instagram DM automation can act as a game changer for your business. With such a tool, you can conveniently message as well as resolve queries for your prospects. Soon, you will realise how this automation tool can fetch you leads and sales in a more efficient and simpler manner.  But first, let’s look at what Instagram automation really means and why it is important.

Here are some of the topics that we’ll cover in our blog.

  1. What are Instagram automated DMs?
  2. Why use Instagram Automated DMs? 
  3. Benefits of using Instagram automation
    1. Lead generation
    2. 24×7 customer service
    3. Drive traffic to brand website
    4. Build a loyal customer base

What are Instagram automated DMs?

Automated Instagram DMs are, essentially, programmed responses that allow businesses to respond to their customers in a fairly seamless and personalised manner.  The responses can vary from simple query resolution about products and services to guiding the customers through more customised and specific answers. The entire process of Instagram automation has been made possible with the introduction of Facebook messenger API for Instagram. 

If you are interested in getting Instagram Automation for your business, the best and fastest way for you to do that would be with the help of an efficient Business Solution Provider such as Whizard API. Here is an example of a business using this automation tool to power up their customer marketing strategy to drive conversions faster. 

Just like the automated reply options given in the example, you can easily collect valuable data from your customers such as name, contact details, email address etc. through such responses. This not only makes it easier for businesses to answer frequently asked questions but also allows customers to start conversations and inspires them to purchase your products. 

Why use Instagram Automated DMs?

Instagram, as a social networking site, has really evolved over the years with a wider user base, enhanced features and advanced algorithms. This has turned the platform into a potential playground for businesses to test the waters and directly communicate with their target audience. 

Moreover, a recent global survey reveals that 58% of users are more interested in a brand after seeing it in an Instagram story. This figure speaks volumes about the impact the platform has on its user base as well as businesses who are trying to make an impact with their service offerings. In such a scenario, would you rather be spending your time going through hundreds of repetitive messages you receive throughout the day or automate this basic procedure and develop a viable business strategy instead?

Benefits of using Instagram automation

Lead generation

Instagram Automation is a great way to generate leads in order to increase the overall ROI of your business. One of the best methods of using the platform for more engagement is Instagram Stories. You can leverage this feature to interact with your audience in a much faster and simpler manner. Considering that over 500 million people across the globe use Instagram stories every day, it gives businesses a chance to engage and acquire users with creative, ingenious and productive stories. Once you’ve got a user hooked to your stories, you can create great opportunities to funnel your users into your DMs and convert them into loyal customers. 

24×7 customer service

What’s better than persuading people to buy your products and services? Being there to answer their queries every single minute of every single day. With Instagram Automation, you can resolve customer queries in a fairly efficient and time-consuming manner. Such a prompt service will encourage more and more users to prefer your services over those of your competitors and ultimately help in enhancing brand loyalty and consideration. 

Drive traffic to brand website

If you think that query resolution and product promotion are the only use cases of Instagram Automation, then you are in for a surprise. With automated direct messages, businesses can include the website link to their products and services. This will significantly help in driving traffic to your website thereby creating more and more opportunities to make a sale. Fun, engaging and catchy messages can attract customers to click on the given links which will be beneficial for your business in the long run.

Build a loyal customer base

A loyal community of followers is always a great sign that your business is taking time to build meaningful connections in the digital space. Engaging with users on direct messages creates a personalised bridge for consumers and brands to connect on a deeper level, almost like a face-to-face interaction. Instagram DM automation will not only help you to streamline your inbox and save your precious man hours but also help in turning average consumers into loyal brand advocates.

The digital space is evolving faster than our eyes blink. And staying updated with the latest automation tools and techniques can provide your business with the required edge to scale and drive growth in the long run. If you want to leverage Instagram automation to streamline your workflows, Whizard API can help you achieve your vision. 

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