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WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular messaging apps, is used by more than 1.6 billion individuals to remain in constant touch with colleagues, friends and family on a daily basis. Being a secure, quick, and fairly user-friendly platform, WhatsApp messenger has garnered an incredible reputation in the technology and communication sector.

In the year 2021, WhatsApp has witnessed a 40% increase in usage due to the pandemic. The app is gradually becoming a leader among all other messaging platforms of the world. This massive increase in the usage of WhatsApp has opened up a plethora of new opportunities for businesses.



A WhatsApp chatbot is an automated conversational programming software integrated with the messaging application using WhatsApp Business API. Chatbots on WhatsApp can be rule-based (more viable and organized) or use NLP (natural language processing) for an easier and more natural conversational impact.


Source: Snaps



Integrating a chatbot with your WhatsApp Business account allows you to shuffle through high volumes of data and scale your customer service measures in an efficient manner. Here are the main factors you need to know in order to begin with WhatsApp chatbots. 


Outline The Bot’s Purpose

Chatbots are well known examples of automation technology that are an attainable alternative for boosting client service and assistance. However, in light of the fact that there’s a great deal of promotion and marketing activities surrounding their usage, businesses should use chatbots judiciously for customer service and non-promotional notifications. Chatbots that perform short of their expectations frequently disappoint clients and can even affect your business’ standing negatively.


Get the WhatsApp chatbot API

When you know the ways in which a chatbot can help your business, you need to integrate it with WhatsApp to use it appropriately. WhatsApp offers two automation solutions for organizations: WhatsApp Business App and the API. The greatest differentiating factors between both solutions are organization size and expenses associated with them.

While it’s unrealistic to use chatbots on the free WhatsApp Business App, the incorporated chat instruments are a reasonable choice to help you save time, as with a programmed welcoming message, pre-set automated answers for repeated inquiries and query messages.

Be that as it may, a genuine chatbot usefulness is accessible with the WhatsApp Business API. This API permits medium and huge organizations to scale their customer care services and utilize WhatsApp for more adaptable and complex arrangements.


Find a chatbot partner

Some eminent undertakings will get full admittance to the WhatsApp API, which permits them to program and associate their chatbot straightforwardly to the API. Be that as it may, for most organizations, the least demanding approach to construct a WhatsApp bot is to outsource chatbot development.

Most chatbot suppliers incorporate flawlessly with messenger applications like WhatsApp. Their focus is to make bot-building accessible to all. Some considerably offer visual no-code systems so you don’t have to code anything to make a chatbot.





Create A Chatbot Personality

Since you know how you need to utilize your bot and have figured out the specialized prerequisites, it’s the ideal opportunity to get to the most interesting part: building up a character for your bot.

With a smart chatbot, you can establish a positive environment for your brand awareness and publicity. Making a character that represents your brand image constructs a factor of trust with customers and mirrors the customized commitment they get from your side.


Start building your bot 

The type of chatbot appropriate for your business relies upon the message you are trying to send, the intent you are hoping to achieve with your bot and the assets you’re willing to contribute for its development.

Most WhatsApp bots require a basic guideline based construction with a numbered menu and (essential) watchword acknowledgment. This blend of catchphrases and choice trees is less dependent on recognizing watchwords in the client input, which can help them discover their answer without running into impasses. Despite the fact that clients are required to choose between your predefined alternatives, you can in any case add a special twist to the discussion with your chatbot’s content and show choices.


Test and change

Like in any product development process, testing is an indispensable part when constructing a bot. Before you present your creation to the users, you need to ensure it works and acts like it should.

Open the WhatsApp application on your mobile or use the work area rendition WhatsApp Web to begin interacting with your bot. Testing on different gadgets uncovers points of improvement from the advancement cycle. For instance, composing in long orders can be tedious when you’re using a phone. Check on the off chance that you could supplement the order with an emoticon or other quick measure of communication.


Source: Kevin Technologies


Promote the bot

WhatsApp Business works uniquely in contrast to other customer care channels. While your clients will promptly see a live visit window when they enter a site, messaging applications are not a characteristic piece of the client venture. Also, in contrast to Facebook Messenger or Telegram, clients can’t look for a business on WhatsApp so make your bot visible.

We are living in an era where we can witness the rise of chatbots all over the place – applications, websites, Facebook pages and so on. So why should we pay attention to WhatsApp business API?

With regards to advertisers and sponsors pursuing customers on different platforms, WhatsApp tops the rundown. Followed by different platforms like Facebook and Instagram, chatbot on WhatsApp means empowering organizations of different scales to get the most out of this automated technology and connect with their audience in a personal and more seamless manner. Now, any business can send their virtual specialists to take care of customer’s needs on one of their favourite messaging platform, WhatsApp.


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