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WhatsApp Marketing in social commerce: All you need to know

WhatsApp has become one of the most important tools in marketing. With more than 2 billion active users per month, the platform makes a big chunk of the audience and is one of the key tools in the world of social commerce. 

WhatsApp marketing channel is a must-have for businesses that want to connect with audiences in a more efficient and effective way at scale. In addition, WhatsApp provides businesses with a robust set of opportunities for personalization. For instance, you can send customized welcome messages, special offers, birthday congratulations, updates, regular notifications and so on. Such an approach keeps customers more engaged with a brand – over 70% of consumers say they engage only with personalized marketing messages.

You can improve visibility, automate communication, and keep your workflow organized. This application is free to use and maintain, which means you’re not going to waste money installing any new software.

Let us understand the role of WhatsApp in social commerce in greater detail. In this blog, we will cover the following topics.

  1. What are the benefits of WhatsApp marketing in social commerce
    1. Better customer engagement
    2. Low marketing cost
    3. Secure and private platform
    4. More customer engagement
    5. User-friendly functionality
    6. Brand promotion
  2. WhatsApp marketing: The future of commerce

What are the benefits of WhatsApp marketing in Social Commerce?

Better customer relationships

Research shows that over 55% of people feel more connected to a brand who use messaging apps as their marketing tool. It makes WhatsApp marketing a go-to and safe strategy for building long profound relationships with customers. This not only helps in maintaining a connection with the audience but also helps in cutting expenditure as customer retention goes up to  5-25 times which is cheaper than customer acquisition.

Low marketing cost 

WhatsApp is a very affordable marketing channel for everybody which makes this platform enticing for small businesses. It doesn’t need an acquisition cost to build your customer base.  All you need to get the ball rolling is to install an app and connect to the Internet.

As per a survey, a user checks WhatsApp over 23 times a day on an average. This gives brands a great opportunity to leverage the platform to reach their customers where they predominantly spend their time. WhatsApp marketing drives more conversions, improves sales, allows you to build deep quality relationships with customers, and costs next to nothing in terms of marketing expenditures. 

Secure and private platform 

Backed by Meta, WhatsApp automatically becomes a trusted source for many SMEs and customers. It gives a sense of authenticity to the customers when they invest their time and money in a specific brand. It also creates a sense of native experience for customers hence, a feeling of security.

More customer engagement

WhatsApp Business messaging enables businesses to collect and analyze valuable consumer data for research and allows businesses to: 

  • Ask questions from their customers and gauge preferences
  • Run quick surveys and polls to get a better understanding of customer preferences for products, items, service levels, and more
  • Respond to individual queries in a faster and more personalized way

This increases engagement and lets the users know that the business they’re interacting with isn’t constrained to a monologue and that the customer’s time is being valued.

FUN FACT-  About 100 billion messages are sent daily on WhatsApp.

User-friendly functionality

Although WhatsApp is mostly used by younger age groups, the easy functionality of the app makes it accessible to a wide age range. Companies are fighting for customers’ attention – and businesses who can’t keep up risk being sidelined. WhatsApp gives customers an instant and interactive platform to actively engage with businesses. Gen Z completely relies on technology, and as customers, they expect personalized communication from brands, especially online and via mobile. When used judiciously, WhatsApp enables brands to showcase their products, highlight their services and service customers efficiently. As a result, brand value grows and customer voices are easily heard.

Brand promotion

Just like you use other platforms for promotions, WhatsApp can also be a great choice to promote your brand. Use broadcast channels, group chats, statuses, and easy messaging to spread the word around. Hence, a great cost-effective promotion tool for all the creators and marketers. Although if you want to tend to your audience at scale, integrating a WhatsApp Business API can be an even better option to automate workflows, promote your brand and drive conversions.

WhatsApp Marketing – the Future of Commerce

New technologies, like machine learning, chatbots, and messaging, are reeling in a new era of customer experience. In fact, most of the customers prefer brands that tend to customers and their queries via messaging. Integrating WhatsApp marketing into your social strategy today can help future-proof your marketing strategy for tomorrow. So, connect with Whizard API now to explore the immense potential of WhatsApp as a business marketing tool!!

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